
The full list of regulations for the 2022 FIDE World Fischer Random Championship in Reykjavik, can be read below and downloaded here.


Omar Salama (Chief arbiter)
Shohreh Bayat (Deputy arbiter)
Ingibjörg Edda Birgisdóttir (fair play officer)

Appeals committee

Anastasia Sorokina (Chairwoman)
David Llada
Lennart Ootes

Regulations for the 2022 FIDE World Fischer Random Chess Championship

1.    Scope

1.1    The governing body of the World Fischer Random Chess Championships 2022 (hereinafter referred to as WFRCC) is the International Chess Federation (FIDE).

1.2    These Regulations are developed by the Organiser (Dund AS), and are approved by FIDE under the aegis of the Global Strategy Commission (GSC).

1.3    The body responsible for adopting and changing these Regulations is FIDE Council (upon GSC’s recommendations).

1.4    At any time, any circumstance or unforeseen situation not covered in these Regulations shall be referred to the FIDE President for the final decision.

2.    Open Qualifying Competitions

2.1    Anyone not already qualified for a later stage, regardless of rating, can enter the Open Qualification Competitions.

2.2 will organise an Open Qualifying Competition with their own rules (see Appendix 1).

2.3    Lichess will organise an Open Qualifying Competition (see Appendix 1).

2.4    Open Qualifying Competitions will be played in accordance with the FIDE Rules for Online Competitions (see Appendix 1).

3.    Final Tournament

3.1.    Qualifiers

3.1.1    The Final Tournament will have eight participants:

  1. The World Fischer Random Champion (Wesley So)
  2. The World Champion (Magnus Carlsen)
  3. Two players from the OQ (see Article 2.1.2)
  4. Two players from the Lichess OQ (see Article 2.1.3)
  5. One Organiser wildcard (Hjorvar Steinn Gretarsson)
  6. One FIDE President wildcard

3.1.2    A qualifier who does not take up their place in the Final Tournament can be replaced by any other player. The replacement player will be decided jointly by the Organiser and the FIDE President (or his nominee).

3.2    Group Stage

3.2.1    The World Fischer Random Champion is seeded 1. The remaining participants are seeded using their FIDE Rapid Rating on 1st September, 2022.

3.2.2    Seed 1 is allocated to Group A. Seed 2 is allocated to Group B.

3.2.3    The remaining players are allocated to three pots:

Pot X    Seeds 3 and 4

Pot Y    Seeds 5 and 6

Pot Z    Seeds 7 and 8

3.2.4    The drawing of lots will draw the players from the pots such that one player from each pot is in Group A, and one player from each pot is in Group B.

3.2.5    A further drawing of lots will take place to determine each player’s pairing number for each group, which will determine their schedule (see Article 3.5).

3.2.6    Each match in the Group Stage will be best-of-2 games. The time control for each game is 30 moves in 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for the rest of the game, plus 5 seconds increment per move starting from move 31. A player will be defaulted if they arrive at the board more than five minutes after the actual start time.

3.2.7    Each player will play one game with white and one game with black from the same initial position.

3.2.8    A player who wins a match will score two points. A player who draws a match will score one point. A player who loses a match will score no points.

3.2.9    The group rankings will be determined by points. In the event of points being tied, the following tie-breaks will be used:

  1. Gamepoints
  2. Direct Encounter
  3. Armageddon Playoff (see the procedure in Article 3.3.6)

3.2.10    Four players qualify for the Knockout Stage; the top two players in the standings of each group.

3.2.11    Two players qualify for the 5th Place Playoff; third place in the standings of each group.

3.2.12    Two players qualify for the 7th Place Playoff; fourth place in the standings of each group.

3.3    Knockout Stage

3.3.1    The Knockout Stage is composed of two rounds; the Semi Finals and the Final.

3.3.2    The pairings for the Semi Finals will be:

  1. Winner Group A v Runner Up Group B
  2. Winner Group B v Runner Up Group A

3.3.3    Each match in the Knockout Stage will be best-of-4 games. The time control for each game is 30 moves in 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for the rest of the game, plus 5 seconds increment per move starting from move 31.

3.3.4    Games 1 and 2 will be played from the same starting position. Games 3 and 4 will be played from the same starting position.

3.3.5    A drawing of lots will determine which player has white in games 1 and 4. The other player will have white in games 2 and 3.

3.3.6    The player who scores more points will win the match. In the event of a tied match, there will be an Armageddon game. Each player shall bid a number of minutes up to 15, and the player with the lower bid will have black, and will only need to draw the game to win the match. The player with white will have 15 minutes, and will need to win the game to win the match. A player will be defaulted if they arrive at the board more than five minutes after the actual start time.

3.3.7    The loser of each Semi Final will qualify for the 3rd Place Playoff.

3.4    Playoffs

3.4.1    There are three Playoffs (see Articles 3.2.11, 3.2.12, and 3.3.7).

3.4.2    The Playoffs are played with the format described in Articles 3.3.3 to 3.3.6.

3.5    Schedule

* These are the pairing numbers drawn in Article 3.2.5. The first number in each pair will be white in game 1 of the match.

3.6    Prizes

3.6.1    The prize money will be distributed as follows:

3.6.2    The top three places will receive trophies provided by the Organiser.

4.    Fischer-Random Processes at the Final Tournament

4.1    The initial position of the pieces will be drawn at random by the organisers.

4.2    The initial position will be presented to both players 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of the first or third game of a match. Players are permitted to use the 15-minute period to seek advice from their registered Second. Neither the player, nor the Second, is permitted to seek advice from an electronic source (e.g. a chess engine).

4.3    For Armageddon games, the time periods in Article 4.2 will be reduced to 5 minutes.

4.4    If the start position of classical chess is randomly selected, the draw for the initial position of the pieces will be repeated.

5.    Playing Conditions at the Final Tournament

5.1    A player may only communicate with an arbiter or an organiser during their game.

5.2    Players are not permitted to bring into a playing area a phone, technical or other equipment extraneous to play, which may in any way disturb or upset their opponents. The Chief Arbiter shall decide what constitutes extraneous equipment disturbing the opponent.

5.3    The audience will be allowed close to the players (not closer than two meters). The Organiser will provide players with voluntary noise cancelling equipment to prevent players being disturbed by the audience.

5.4    Player will wear a heart rate sensor in every game. The sensor is to be placed on the skin just below the elbow. The heart rate can be presented in graphics in the TV broadcast from the event, and the commentators can use the development in heart rate to increase the suspense for the audience. The heart rate sensors will be randomly chosen by the players before the first game each day, worn for all games that day, and returned to organiser after last game of the day.

5.5    The players are urged to enter confessional-booths in order to give a short, on-camera, statement on the game so far. This will be voluntary.

5.6    The Anti-Doping test procedure will be regulated by the contract between FIDE and the Organiser.

6.    Players’ Conduct at the Final Tournament

6.1    Dress code: smart-casual (for men: neat shirt and formal suit - for women: neat shirt/blouse and formal suit (with slacks or skirt), or dress). The dress code is strictly observed: no players with t-shirts, sneakers, jeans, baseball caps, shorts or inappropriate dress are allowed in the playing area. Any requests to wear national or traditional dress must be approved by the Organiser. Players agree to wear relevant outfits if such are provided by the organiser. If such outfits are provided, the organiser is to make sure each player’s personal sponsor’s logos are included on the outfits.

6.2    The players are expected to attend the Technical Meeting. If necessary, the Chief Arbiter may call other Technical Meetings.

6.3    All players must be present at all approved functions, including the Opening and the Closing Ceremonies.

6.4    All players going to Iceland agree to make themselves available for interviews with media and/or organiser in the build up to the match. Such an event shall be scheduled at a mutually convenient time and place.

6.5    The players are expected to co-operate with the media. The players are required to make themselves available for short interviews immediately after each game.

6.6    If a player fails to appear at any approved function, such as official receptions, press conferences or interviews, or behaves in a manner contrary to the spirit of sporting behaviour or the FIDE Code of Ethics, the player shall be penalized as follows: 5% of prize money shall be forfeited to the Organiser and a further 5% to FIDE for each breach. In cases of serious misconduct, the player may be disqualified from the event.

7.    Principals of the Final Tournament

7.1    The FIDE Principals are:

7.1.1    FIDE President

7.1.2    Chief Arbiter

7.1.3    One Deputy Chief Arbiter

7.1.4    One Fair Play Officer

7.1.5    Chairman of the Appeals Committee

7.1.6    Press Officer

8.    Arbiters & Fair Play at the Final Tournament

8.1    The Chief Arbiter and Deputy Chief Arbiter will be appointed in accordance with the FIDE Regulations for the Appointment of Arbiters in World Events (see Appendix 2).

8.2    During play, either the Chief Arbiter or their Deputy must be present in a playing area.

8.3    The Fair Play Officer will be appointed by GSC, in liaison with the Organiser and the Fair Play Commission.

9.    Appeals Committee at the Final Tournament

9.1    The Appeals Committee will be composed in accordance with the process described in Article 2 of the Appeals Committee Procedural Rules (see Appendix 2). WRFCC does not count as a “World Championship match” with regard to Article 2.5.

9.2    Appeals will be conducted in accordance with the process described in Article 3 of the Appeals Committee Procedural Rules (see Appendix 2).

10.    Media at the Final Tournament

10.1    Website

10.1.1    The Organiser is responsible for managing, updating and reviewing the official web domain which is used for the event: <>  

10.2    Communications

10.2.1    All official written communications, in print or online form, shall identify FIDE as the Governing Body of the event.

10.2.2    All official communications shall use the official name for the event, in full: FIDE World Fischer-Random Chess Championship 2022.

10.2.3    All pre-tournament public communications regarding the event (e.g. joint press releases from FIDE and the Organiser) shall be co-written and scheduled in coordination with the FIDE Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.

10.3    Press Officer Designated by FIDE

10.3.1    GSC shall appoint the Press Officer for the event. The Organiser shall co-operate with the Press Officer regarding the accreditation and hospitality for journalists and media and the facilities available at any Press Centre that the Organiser chooses to provide, and assists him/her to establish contacts with the local media.

10.3.2    All content shown at <> shall be reviewed and approved by the Press Officer. All live images, live broadcasting (Internet TV) pictures and all the other content for the full event are carried on both official domains, plus any other web domain that has been agreed between the Organiser and GSC prior to the Event. In cases of conflicting information and press statements, the views expressed by the Press Officer shall be the authentic version.

10.3.3    All activities of both FIDE and the Organiser shall identify FIDE being the Governing Body of the Event. The Organiser shall warrant that <> is managed in a professional way and furthermore that it is capable of handling the traffic and publicity that is required for such events. Statistics of traffic and full reports on web performance are provided to both FIDE and the Organiser.

10.3.4    The Press Officer shall report to the FIDE Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.

10.3.5    The Press Officer shall be a member of the panel at any Press Conferences conducted during the event.

10.4    Photography and Video

10.4.1    Only photographers and camera crew expressly authorised by the Press Officer or the FIDE Chief Marketing and Communications Officer may work in the playing venue.

10.4.2    Photographers and camera crews shall have a distinctive badge, different to that of the written press. Camera crews shall have press accreditation type A, photographers shall have press accreditation type B, all others shall have press accreditation type C.

10.4.3    Television cameras shall try to minimise any inconvenience for the players and may only be allowed if the Chief Arbiter deems their use to be unobtrusive.

10.4.4    The use of flash is not allowed. An exception could be made only if the particularities of the venue force the photographers to stay more than six meters away from the players. Even in those exceptional circumstances, it is restricted to the first five minutes of standard games, the first three minutes of rapid games and the first minute of blitz games (for eventual tie-break games).

10.4.5    The Organiser shall appoint a professional photographer to cover the event. This photographer shall provide FIDE, the media and the sponsors with visual material that meets professional standards. The official photographer shall have a distinctive badge (“staff”, or similar) that makes him/her recognisable for the arbiters, players, and security personnel.

10.4.6    In order to develop their work in conditions of artificial light and a quiet environment, the photographer’s equipment shall comply with the following conditions:

  1. Full-frame camera body.
  2. Silent shutter, or “Quiet mode”.
  3. A long telephoto lens (80mm or higher), and luminous (f4 or wider)

10.4.7    The Organiser shall provide FIDE with a copy of all the video footage filmed during the event. This includes a recording of the broadcast, interviews, press conferences, and opening and closing ceremonies. This footage shall be provided in a physical support: DVD, flash drive, hard drive, etc. FIDE can make use of these materials as specified in Article 11.

11.    Commercial Issues

11.1    FIDE retains all commercial and media rights of WFRCC including internet. These rights have been granted by FIDE to the Organiser on conditions specified in the contract signed between FIDE and the Organiser.

11.2    The radio and television rights, including photo, video and film rights, belong to FIDE. These rights have been granted by FIDE to the Organiser on conditions specified in the contract signed between FIDE and the Organiser.

11.3    The players, principals and arbiters as well as any technical staff admitted to the venue understand that they may be captured either by recorded or broadcasted video, or by their images, including photographs, video frames or works of art (hereinafter referred to as Images) at the venue of the Event as well as at the site around it, and provide their irrevocable consent for such capture, record and broadcast. FIDE may use all acquired images for commercial, marketing, organisational and other purposes free of charge. Any image may be used in printed, electronic or any other media, including the internet, and FIDE has the sub-licensable and worldwide right to use images as set forth above in any manner whatsoever (including any commercial purpose) free of charge.

11.4    FIDE has the exclusive rights for live games transmission on Internet. FIDE shall provide to the Organiser the signal for online game display in the different function rooms as agreed between the parties. These rights as described here can be granted by FIDE to the Organiser.

11.5    FIDE has the right to enter into advertisement agreements either with the Organiser or Sponsors of the event requiring players to wear attire with the branding of sponsors.

11.6    Players shall not wear, use or display any apparel, footwear, accessory or other item, including but not limited to any piece of attire or any article that is of an accessory nature (e.g. bag, eyewear, arm bands, gloves, socks, charms, beverage bottles etc.), bearing an identification of or advertising or otherwise promoting the players' sponsors, without prior written permission by FIDE Supervisor.

11.7    The income from admission charges goes to the Organiser.

11.8 The Organiser shall produce a detailed budget for the event, which shall be approved by GSC.

11.9    No proposed sponsor shall be in conflict with the regulations of the International Olympic Committee.

11.10 The FIDE logo and the head of the corporate logo are displayed below:

The FIDE logo shall be displayed in a black colour on a white background. The text describing any event shall not be larger than twice the size of the word FIDE reproduced in the logo.


The present Regulations are governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Switzerland. All disputes arising from or in relation to with the Regulations shall be submitted to CAS (art. 35.1 FIDE Charter). All disputes and claims arising from or in relation to the bidding procedure and obligations of the Organiser may also be submitted to the competent court of the City of Lausanne, Canton Vaud, Switzerland, unless otherwise agreed in the contract with the Organiser.

Appendix 1: Open Qualifier Rules

Lichess: click here

FIDE Online Chess Regulations:

Appendix 2: Relevant FIDE Handbook Regulations

Regulations for the Appointment of Arbiters in World Events:

Appeals Committee Procedural Rules: click here

FIDE Laws of Chess:

Anti-Cheating Protection Measures: click here

The full list of regulations for the 2022 FIDE World Fischer Random Championship in Reykjavik, can be downloaded here.

Regulations for the 2022 FIDE World Fischer Random Chess Championship

1.    Scope

1.1    The governing body of the World Fischer Random Chess Championships 2022 (hereinafter referred to as WFRCC) is the International Chess Federation (FIDE).

1.2    These Regulations are developed by the Organiser (Dund AS), and are approved by FIDE under the aegis of the Global Strategy Commission (GSC).

1.3    The body responsible for adopting and changing these Regulations is FIDE Council (upon GSC’s recommendations).

1.4    At any time, any circumstance or unforeseen situation not covered in these Regulations shall be referred to the FIDE President for the final decision.

2.    Open Qualifying Competitions

2.1    Anyone not already qualified for a later stage, regardless of rating, can enter the Open Qualification Competitions.

2.2 will organise an Open Qualifying Competition with their own rules (see Appendix 1).

2.3    Lichess will organise an Open Qualifying Competition (see Appendix 1).

2.4    Open Qualifying Competitions will be played in accordance with the FIDE Rules for Online Competitions (see Appendix 1).

3.    Final Tournament

3.1.    Qualifiers

3.1.1    The Final Tournament will have eight participants:

  1. The World Fischer Random Champion (Wesley So)
  2. The World Champion (Magnus Carlsen)
  3. Two players from the OQ (see Article 2.1.2)
  4. Two players from the Lichess OQ (see Article 2.1.3)
  5. One Organiser wildcard (Hjorvar Steinn Gretarsson)
  6. One FIDE President wildcard

3.1.2    A qualifier who does not take up their place in the Final Tournament can be replaced by any other player. The replacement player will be decided jointly by the Organiser and the FIDE President (or his nominee).

3.2    Group Stage

3.2.1    The World Fischer Random Champion is seeded 1. The remaining participants are seeded using their FIDE Rapid Rating on 1st September, 2022.

3.2.2    Seed 1 is allocated to Group A. Seed 2 is allocated to Group B.

3.2.3    The remaining players are allocated to three pots:

Pot X    Seeds 3 and 4

Pot Y    Seeds 5 and 6

Pot Z    Seeds 7 and 8

3.2.4    The drawing of lots will draw the players from the pots such that one player from each pot is in Group A, and one player from each pot is in Group B.

3.2.5    A further drawing of lots will take place to determine each player’s pairing number for each group, which will determine their schedule (see Article 3.5).

3.2.6    Each match in the Group Stage will be best-of-2 games. The time control for each game is 30 moves in 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for the rest of the game, plus 5 seconds increment per move starting from move 31. A player will be defaulted if they arrive at the board more than five minutes after the actual start time.

3.2.7    Each player will play one game with white and one game with black from the same initial position.

3.2.8    A player who wins a match will score two points. A player who draws a match will score one point. A player who loses a match will score no points.

3.2.9    The group rankings will be determined by points. In the event of points being tied, the following tie-breaks will be used:

  1. Gamepoints
  2. Direct Encounter
  3. Armageddon Playoff (see the procedure in Article 3.3.6)

3.2.10    Four players qualify for the Knockout Stage; the top two players in the standings of each group.

3.2.11    Two players qualify for the 5th Place Playoff; third place in the standings of each group.

3.2.12    Two players qualify for the 7th Place Playoff; fourth place in the standings of each group.

3.3    Knockout Stage

3.3.1    The Knockout Stage is composed of two rounds; the Semi Finals and the Final.

3.3.2    The pairings for the Semi Finals will be:

  1. Winner Group A v Runner Up Group B
  2. Winner Group B v Runner Up Group A

3.3.3    Each match in the Knockout Stage will be best-of-4 games. The time control for each game is 30 moves in 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for the rest of the game, plus 5 seconds increment per move starting from move 31.

3.3.4    Games 1 and 2 will be played from the same starting position. Games 3 and 4 will be played from the same starting position.

3.3.5    A drawing of lots will determine which player has white in games 1 and 4. The other player will have white in games 2 and 3.

3.3.6    The player who scores more points will win the match. In the event of a tied match, there will be an Armageddon game. Each player shall bid a number of minutes up to 15, and the player with the lower bid will have black, and will only need to draw the game to win the match. The player with white will have 15 minutes, and will need to win the game to win the match. A player will be defaulted if they arrive at the board more than five minutes after the actual start time.

3.3.7    The loser of each Semi Final will qualify for the 3rd Place Playoff.

3.4    Playoffs

3.4.1    There are three Playoffs (see Articles 3.2.11, 3.2.12, and 3.3.7).

3.4.2    The Playoffs are played with the format described in Articles 3.3.3 to 3.3.6.

3.5    Schedule

* These are the pairing numbers drawn in Article 3.2.5. The first number in each pair will be white in game 1 of the match.

3.6    Prizes

3.6.1    The prize money will be distributed as follows:

3.6.2    The top three places will receive trophies provided by the Organiser.

4.    Fischer-Random Processes at the Final Tournament

4.1    The initial position of the pieces will be drawn at random by the organisers.

4.2    The initial position will be presented to both players 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of the first or third game of a match. Players are permitted to use the 15-minute period to seek advice from their registered Second. Neither the player, nor the Second, is permitted to seek advice from an electronic source (e.g. a chess engine).

4.3    For Armageddon games, the time periods in Article 4.2 will be reduced to 5 minutes.

4.4    If the start position of classical chess is randomly selected, the draw for the initial position of the pieces will be repeated.

5.    Playing Conditions at the Final Tournament

5.1    A player may only communicate with an arbiter or an organiser during their game.

5.2    Players are not permitted to bring into a playing area a phone, technical or other equipment extraneous to play, which may in any way disturb or upset their opponents. The Chief Arbiter shall decide what constitutes extraneous equipment disturbing the opponent.

5.3    The audience will be allowed close to the players (not closer than two meters). The Organiser will provide players with voluntary noise cancelling equipment to prevent players being disturbed by the audience.

5.4    Player will wear a heart rate sensor in every game. The sensor is to be placed on the skin just below the elbow. The heart rate can be presented in graphics in the TV broadcast from the event, and the commentators can use the development in heart rate to increase the suspense for the audience. The heart rate sensors will be randomly chosen by the players before the first game each day, worn for all games that day, and returned to organiser after last game of the day.

5.5    The players are urged to enter confessional-booths in order to give a short, on-camera, statement on the game so far. This will be voluntary.

5.6    The Anti-Doping test procedure will be regulated by the contract between FIDE and the Organiser.

6.    Players’ Conduct at the Final Tournament

6.1    Dress code: smart-casual (for men: neat shirt and formal suit - for women: neat shirt/blouse and formal suit (with slacks or skirt), or dress). The dress code is strictly observed: no players with t-shirts, sneakers, jeans, baseball caps, shorts or inappropriate dress are allowed in the playing area. Any requests to wear national or traditional dress must be approved by the Organiser. Players agree to wear relevant outfits if such are provided by the organiser. If such outfits are provided, the organiser is to make sure each player’s personal sponsor’s logos are included on the outfits.

6.2    The players are expected to attend the Technical Meeting. If necessary, the Chief Arbiter may call other Technical Meetings.

6.3    All players must be present at all approved functions, including the Opening and the Closing Ceremonies.

6.4    All players going to Iceland agree to make themselves available for interviews with media and/or organiser in the build up to the match. Such an event shall be scheduled at a mutually convenient time and place.

6.5    The players are expected to co-operate with the media. The players are required to make themselves available for short interviews immediately after each game.

6.6    If a player fails to appear at any approved function, such as official receptions, press conferences or interviews, or behaves in a manner contrary to the spirit of sporting behaviour or the FIDE Code of Ethics, the player shall be penalized as follows: 5% of prize money shall be forfeited to the Organiser and a further 5% to FIDE for each breach. In cases of serious misconduct, the player may be disqualified from the event.

7.    Principals of the Final Tournament

7.1    The FIDE Principals are:

7.1.1    FIDE President

7.1.2    Chief Arbiter

7.1.3    One Deputy Chief Arbiter

7.1.4    One Fair Play Officer

7.1.5    Chairman of the Appeals Committee

7.1.6    Press Officer

8.    Arbiters & Fair Play at the Final Tournament

8.1    The Chief Arbiter and Deputy Chief Arbiter will be appointed in accordance with the FIDE Regulations for the Appointment of Arbiters in World Events (see Appendix 2).

8.2    During play, either the Chief Arbiter or their Deputy must be present in a playing area.

8.3    The Fair Play Officer will be appointed by GSC, in liaison with the Organiser and the Fair Play Commission.

9.    Appeals Committee at the Final Tournament

9.1    The Appeals Committee will be composed in accordance with the process described in Article 2 of the Appeals Committee Procedural Rules (see Appendix 2). WRFCC does not count as a “World Championship match” with regard to Article 2.5.

9.2    Appeals will be conducted in accordance with the process described in Article 3 of the Appeals Committee Procedural Rules (see Appendix 2).

10.    Media at the Final Tournament

10.1    Website

10.1.1    The Organiser is responsible for managing, updating and reviewing the official web domain which is used for the event: <>  

10.2    Communications

10.2.1    All official written communications, in print or online form, shall identify FIDE as the Governing Body of the event.

10.2.2    All official communications shall use the official name for the event, in full: FIDE World Fischer-Random Chess Championship 2022.

10.2.3    All pre-tournament public communications regarding the event (e.g. joint press releases from FIDE and the Organiser) shall be co-written and scheduled in coordination with the FIDE Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.

10.3    Press Officer Designated by FIDE

10.3.1    GSC shall appoint the Press Officer for the event. The Organiser shall co-operate with the Press Officer regarding the accreditation and hospitality for journalists and media and the facilities available at any Press Centre that the Organiser chooses to provide, and assists him/her to establish contacts with the local media.

10.3.2    All content shown at <> shall be reviewed and approved by the Press Officer. All live images, live broadcasting (Internet TV) pictures and all the other content for the full event are carried on both official domains, plus any other web domain that has been agreed between the Organiser and GSC prior to the Event. In cases of conflicting information and press statements, the views expressed by the Press Officer shall be the authentic version.

10.3.3    All activities of both FIDE and the Organiser shall identify FIDE being the Governing Body of the Event. The Organiser shall warrant that <> is managed in a professional way and furthermore that it is capable of handling the traffic and publicity that is required for such events. Statistics of traffic and full reports on web performance are provided to both FIDE and the Organiser.

10.3.4    The Press Officer shall report to the FIDE Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.

10.3.5    The Press Officer shall be a member of the panel at any Press Conferences conducted during the event.

10.4    Photography and Video

10.4.1    Only photographers and camera crew expressly authorised by the Press Officer or the FIDE Chief Marketing and Communications Officer may work in the playing venue.

10.4.2    Photographers and camera crews shall have a distinctive badge, different to that of the written press. Camera crews shall have press accreditation type A, photographers shall have press accreditation type B, all others shall have press accreditation type C.

10.4.3    Television cameras shall try to minimise any inconvenience for the players and may only be allowed if the Chief Arbiter deems their use to be unobtrusive.

10.4.4    The use of flash is not allowed. An exception could be made only if the particularities of the venue force the photographers to stay more than six meters away from the players. Even in those exceptional circumstances, it is restricted to the first five minutes of standard games, the first three minutes of rapid games and the first minute of blitz games (for eventual tie-break games).

10.4.5    The Organiser shall appoint a professional photographer to cover the event. This photographer shall provide FIDE, the media and the sponsors with visual material that meets professional standards. The official photographer shall have a distinctive badge (“staff”, or similar) that makes him/her recognisable for the arbiters, players, and security personnel.

10.4.6    In order to develop their work in conditions of artificial light and a quiet environment, the photographer’s equipment shall comply with the following conditions:

  1. Full-frame camera body.
  2. Silent shutter, or “Quiet mode”.
  3. A long telephoto lens (80mm or higher), and luminous (f4 or wider)

10.4.7    The Organiser shall provide FIDE with a copy of all the video footage filmed during the event. This includes a recording of the broadcast, interviews, press conferences, and opening and closing ceremonies. This footage shall be provided in a physical support: DVD, flash drive, hard drive, etc. FIDE can make use of these materials as specified in Article 11.

11.    Commercial Issues

11.1    FIDE retains all commercial and media rights of WFRCC including internet. These rights have been granted by FIDE to the Organiser on conditions specified in the contract signed between FIDE and the Organiser.

11.2    The radio and television rights, including photo, video and film rights, belong to FIDE. These rights have been granted by FIDE to the Organiser on conditions specified in the contract signed between FIDE and the Organiser.

11.3    The players, principals and arbiters as well as any technical staff admitted to the venue understand that they may be captured either by recorded or broadcasted video, or by their images, including photographs, video frames or works of art (hereinafter referred to as Images) at the venue of the Event as well as at the site around it, and provide their irrevocable consent for such capture, record and broadcast. FIDE may use all acquired images for commercial, marketing, organisational and other purposes free of charge. Any image may be used in printed, electronic or any other media, including the internet, and FIDE has the sub-licensable and worldwide right to use images as set forth above in any manner whatsoever (including any commercial purpose) free of charge.

11.4    FIDE has the exclusive rights for live games transmission on Internet. FIDE shall provide to the Organiser the signal for online game display in the different function rooms as agreed between the parties. These rights as described here can be granted by FIDE to the Organiser.

11.5    FIDE has the right to enter into advertisement agreements either with the Organiser or Sponsors of the event requiring players to wear attire with the branding of sponsors.

11.6    Players shall not wear, use or display any apparel, footwear, accessory or other item, including but not limited to any piece of attire or any article that is of an accessory nature (e.g. bag, eyewear, arm bands, gloves, socks, charms, beverage bottles etc.), bearing an identification of or advertising or otherwise promoting the players' sponsors, without prior written permission by FIDE Supervisor.

11.7    The income from admission charges goes to the Organiser.

11.8 The Organiser shall produce a detailed budget for the event, which shall be approved by GSC.

11.9    No proposed sponsor shall be in conflict with the regulations of the International Olympic Committee.

11.10 The FIDE logo and the head of the corporate logo are displayed below:

The FIDE logo shall be displayed in a black colour on a white background. The text describing any event shall not be larger than twice the size of the word FIDE reproduced in the logo.


The present Regulations are governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Switzerland. All disputes arising from or in relation to with the Regulations shall be submitted to CAS (art. 35.1 FIDE Charter). All disputes and claims arising from or in relation to the bidding procedure and obligations of the Organiser may also be submitted to the competent court of the City of Lausanne, Canton Vaud, Switzerland, unless otherwise agreed in the contract with the Organiser.

Appendix 1: Open Qualifier Rules

Lichess: click here

FIDE Online Chess Regulations:

Appendix 2: Relevant FIDE Handbook Regulations

Regulations for the Appointment of Arbiters in World Events:

Appeals Committee Procedural Rules: click here

FIDE Laws of Chess:

Anti-Cheating Protection Measures: click here

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